Thi initial photograph was one of chimneypots taken in France last year.
This is the first painting made from this image but with one degree of abstraction.
The painting was inspired the Italian atist Giorgio Morandi who painted mainly still lifes in a limited pallet of indigo, yellow ochre, Naples yellow, burnt Sienna and white.
The second painting with a second degree of abstraction with the same pallet as used above.
This is the digitized image derived from this painting and the third degree of abstraction along with the black and white image required for completion of the assignment.
The tonal contrast is evident in the greyscale version as well as the color version the difference in tone is graded from the background to the foreground giving an impression of depth. This is aided by the framing of the objects with a darker tone on the left hand side and bottom third of the image behind the "objects".
I've now emailed the written work and my disc of images is in the envelope ready to send.